Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Three and a Half Months.

It's been three and a half months since my New Year's Resolution to stop buying as much rubbish- if I don't feel amazing in it, it doesn't go with at least one item I already have or it isn't on my list, it doesn't come home to live with me. The rule has greatly reduced how much I spend on things I don't need, but I have to admit the odd little pang when I wave goodbye to a wonderful dress in a shop; even if I know it would wither and gather dust in my wardrobe!
As I said above, one of the criteria for adopting new clothes is that it must be on My List. My List is jotted on the notepad app on my iPhone and is added to mainly when I am people watching in cafes, watching Audrey Hepburn movies and reading fashion blogs.

For my first post, I thought I'd share the current version of My List and discuss what gaps these items would fill in my life.

Red Cardigan.

I wear cardigans with practically everything; like some people wear a watch religiously, there's me rocking out the granny chic! I also find that I mainly accessorise with red, you'll rarely find me without a pillar box pout. Therefore, I can't really work out how my wardrobe is missing this fairly obvious staple. 
It would mainly be worn during the day to brighten up a boring jeans/tee combo (rolling around after a toddler for 12 hours a day means that my fashion choices have taken a worrying turn for the sensible.) but also with floral dresses to dilute the print and keep toasty in our changeable climate. 

Nude Dress.

I'm also on the hunt for the perfect nude/cream dress to carry me through Spring/Summer occasions. Ideally it needs to be fitted at the waist and midi length, although at 5 foot 3, most 'knee length' dresses tend to hit the right spot for me! Perfect for both afternoon and evening, I think a nude dress would pay for itself in versatility and would also be able to pull off accessories of most colours- perfect to show off my feature shoe collection!

Floral Trousers.

I have a love hate relationship with trousers, my plus size and hourglass figure have a hard time pulling them off. I am, though, finding myself spending a lot of time recently lusting after a pair of high waited floral trousers for day time wear. Paired with a plain tee and ballet pumps, I think they'd be a lovely nod to Spring but still allow me to perform the Bolting Toddler Sprint.

The Perfect Blush.

Now this really is a wishlist item. I don't tend to blow much money on make up, I usually use cheaper brands (with the exception of my one make up indulgence - MAC Studio Fix Powder.) as they work just as well on my skin- I'm quite lucky in that I don't suffer from sensitivity issues and I'm so pale that colours tend to show up well anyway. This, however, would be my ultimate spoil myself make up treat. The colours are fantastic and look lovely against most skin tones, even my ghostly visage. It shall be mine...

White Printed Tees.

I am a huge fan of printed t-shirts, they are my most staple items of clothing. Whether it's a jeans day or a pencil skirt and heels type of occasion, I will very often be found with in a men's tee. The two above are currently on My List, but this is one of the few items I let myself stray on; if I can buy it with the money already in my wallet at the time, I'll allow myself the treat.

Ice Cream Heels.

I love ice cream colours when the sun starts shining, and there are some beautiful shoes about right now that would be perfect for chilled out Summer evenings spent sipping cocktails and sharing tapas. Any of the three pairs above would be worn to death! Gorgeous.

Well, that's a sneak peak into what I'm currently hankering after. I'd love to hear what you are wishing for this coming S/S!

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